
Vancouver Action is an open group working to confront injustices that appear at all levels of political, institutional and cultural life. We engage in collective action as a means to overturn existing relations of domination and inequality while promoting a culture of political mobilization that can grow, victory by victory.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. yippies in love Says:

    we notice that you have the gastown mural on your about page. our musical play, yippies in love, will give the story of the gastown riot from the inside. it is to be produced in march. meanwhile, we have a video at youtube: ‘gastown riot yippies’.
    all the best.

  2. Thanatos Says:

    I and otherw will help support yur action with humanitariun aid when the situration calls for it.

    let me know your schedule and when you expect the need to be greatest.


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